The ALPA Nutrition Team and Retail Analysts have collaborated with Menzies School of Health Research to build live, interactive reports on the Microsoft BI platform. These reports provide insights into fruit and vegetable, drink, and overall sugar sales performance and purchasing trends for each store.

The information generated from the reports can help identify opportunities for improvement in store ordering practices, infrastructure needs and/or in the development of new policies for Store Boards to consider which will support increased fruit and vegetable consumption, and a reduction in sugar purchases (from all sources of sugar).

Store Board Members, Store Managers, Merchandise team members and others were interviewed in the development stage to ensure the reports would support them to make nutrition decisions.  

We would like to thank the Menzies team, led by Dr. Emma McMahon for providing their expertise to create accurate and reliable reports which will help ALPA continue making bold nutrition decision to improve the health of our customers. This project has been funded by a Heart Foundation Vanguard Grant.

Photo: L-R: Hannah Pham (ALPA Retail Analyst), Khia De Silva (ALPA Nutrition Manager), Dr Emma McMahon (Research Fellow Menzies), Fernando Prgich (Group Control Manager)