Trainers Kate Seebeck and Lyndsey Doherty (ALPA Training) delivered two Infection Control Training workshops in Gunbalanya and at the Women's CDP activity site.

The ALPA employees at Gunbalanya jumped on board to complete the training which ensured they were compliant with infection control and prevention for Covid-19 safety.

The students learned safe health practices to follow which will assist in stopping the spread of infection not only in their workplace but in their personal lives also. 

The unit consists of an online theory component and a practical cleaning/hand hygiene component.

After completing the online questioning, the students put their acquired knowledge into practice. They successfully cleaned the workplace starting from the simulated highly contaminated area to the low-risk areas

The students then lathered up with Glow Germ lotion and utilised handwashing techniques. As a group, we then checked the results using the Glow Germ Lamp, which highlights any missed areas. 

The students enjoyed this exercise which gave them a greater understanding and appreciation for correct hand hygiene. 

The students found the course engaging and informative and enjoyed learning about such a relative subject.