We believe we play a significant role in keeping all the communities where we operate, safe. We have a responsibility to our team to keep them well informed and mitigate as much risk as we can.  ALPA made the decision to reduce travel to all communities unless it was seen as essential.  This decision came into effect to coincide with the NT Government's decision to ease entry into the Northern Territory.  With this travel easement, we believed that the risk to our store support team, and then the onward risk to our remote teams was significant. ALPA will continue to consider community and team members' safety over commercial outcomes.

Community Infection Preparations Continue

ALPA has worked directly with the Northern Territory Government Emergency Operation Centre team to develop a plan to respond to community infection.  This plan will be swift and severe to ensure any infection is suppressed and eradicated as quickly as possible.  ALPA will provide essential food service support, not only in ALPA communities but in ANY community that requires help. We are in the process of preparing two deployment teams, these teams will join first and second responders ensuring that people do not go hungry and will always have a meal option as their community enters a 14 day lockdown period.

- Retail GM Michael Dykes