Latest News Latest News ALPA Supports the Modern Slavery Act 2018 The Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 7137) Modern Slavery Statement The ALPA Group is committed to upholding human rights with respect to our own employees and for workers within our supply chain. We are committed to preventing our own involvement (and the involvement of our suppliers) in modern slavery. We stand with the Commonwealth in their desire to combat modern slavery more widely and welcome the reporting obligations of the Modern Slavery Act (Cth) 2018 (herein after referred to as "The Act") as a tool to combat modern slavery. We recognise that modern slavery is a complex problem and one which requires a committed and targeted approach by our Board, Executive, and employees. We set clear expectations of our employees and suppliers (including contractors and agents) and are actively working to prevent and address any potential modern slavery in our supply chain. In addition to the Act, ALPA is guided by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Within our own organisation (and our wholly and partly owned subsidiary enterprises) we are compliant with the Fair Work Act 2009 and the relevant award wages throughout the diverse range of industry sectors within which we operate. We are subject to a significant number of Australian Federal, State and Territory statutory obligations, an exhaustive list of which would be too lengthy to list here and would provide little value to the public in identifying whether ALPA is taking sufficient action to address the risk of modern slavery existing in our supply chain. Click here to view our full statement Manage Cookie Preferences