Latest News Latest News Virtual Gallery and Educational Resources Launch Gumurr’manydji Manapanmirr Djäma (Making successful business together)Virtual Gallery and Educational Resources Launch26 April 2023 The Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation (ALPA) and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) announce the launch of the Gumurr’manydji Manapanmirr Djäma (Making successful business together) virtual gallery and educational resources to connect Yolŋu culture with the world. The Gumurr’manydji Manapanmirr Djäma exhibition explores ingenuity, traditions and economic independence depicted through images carefully curated by Yolŋu community members and leaders. In the immersive virtual gallery, viewers can see these historical vignettes of life in Milingimbi, Galiwin’ku, Gapuwiyak, Ramingining and Minjilang – communities where ALPA operates today. ALPA educational resources are available for schools and students of all ages to enhance their virtual gallery experience and celebrate Yolŋu culture and language. The enriching resources connect to the virtual gallery and offer a deeper insight into Yolŋu life on Country. Students can enjoy engaging quizzes and ‘eye spy’ questions which relate to the exhibition. Ramingining School Year 9 student, Harvey Malibirr said:“The [online] gallery was fun. I liked learning about our people from different communities. I liked it when I recognised family in the photos too. I want to finish the quiz.” Daphne Malibirr, ALPA Ramingining Director said:“This gallery is a good thing for our kids. It means they can learn from our ancestors about the way we used to do things and where we have come from. It’s important for them to know their story through the photos and be able to pass down these stories. They’ve heard of the stories about our ancestors doing fishing business and working on farms but now they can see it in the photos.” Alastair King, ALPA CEO said:“We are very proud to be partnering in with MAGNT and RISE PC to produce a virtual gallery of the Gummurr’manydji Manapanmirr Djama Exhibition. We have been blown away by its success and the very positive feedback. The success of the exhibition and the encouragement to share it with the wider Australian community prompted us to create the virtual exhibition to get the Yolngu journey to a larger audience.” Press release Virtual Gallery User Guide Student Education Resource Teachers Education Answer Sheet Manage Cookie Preferences