Island & Cape

With over 40 years of experience in remote retail, Island & Cape offers these communities and Islands a great range of groceries, dairy, meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, general merchandise and clothing. With sophisticated systems and procedures, Island & Cape run successful remote stores with the assistance of the latest technology. Island & Cape can also offer our experience to other communities, from IT support, to management relief, operational support, mentoring, and training. Island & Cape is financially independent and is not reliant on external funding or subsidies. This allows the company to determine its own direction and development.

Work with us to create a better future in our communities

Horn Island Store takes out ‘Trainee of the Year’ award for the second year in a row

June 4th 2020

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Yarrabah launches new Island and Cape pop-up shop to alleviate food security concerns

April 6th 2020

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ALPA welcomes Coca-Cola Australia's Major Sustainable Packaging Targets

April 17th 2019

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